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The State Press
The State Press is the independent, all-digital, student-operated news publication of Arizona State University. During my first semester, I worked for The State Press as a video reporter, eventually going full-time the following semester.

ASU was granted $2 million in 3-D printing equipment. The Manufacturing Research and Innovation Hub, part of the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering located at the Polytechnic campus in Mesa, Arizona, contains the largest additive manufacturing research facility in the region.
Upload Date: 1-31-17
The Fulton Furnace Fallout Hackathon was held from Sept. 23 to Sept. 25. Teams competed over the course of 48-hours to develop technology that could be used in an apocalyptic scenario.
Upload Date: 9-26-16
ASU’s American Sign Language club connects Deaf and hearing students together to develop their ASL skills through games, community service events, and activities. The club has attracted students with a variety of backgrounds and future goals.
Upload Date: 11-23-16
New Year, New Me- The State Press went out to discover what New Year's resolutions ASU students had, or why they didn't have any.
Upload Date: 1-18-17
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