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          Photos For: The Arizona Republic/                      Published: May 2023

From 2022 to 2023, I worked on multiple assignments for The Arizona Republic/, covering the Phoenix metro housing crisis. Unaffordable housing, ineffective housing programs, homelessness and hotter summers were themes that permeated the area. Most memorable was the intimate opportunity I had to photograph "The Zone" just days before the start of its removal. Temperatures that afternoon reached the 90s. Phoenix recorded its hottest summer in 2023, with 54 consecutive days of 110 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.






          Video/Photos For: News21                       Published: August 1, 2023

My colleagues (writers) and I covered the Ohio ballot box battle as both sides of the abortion debate mobilized to decide whether abortion would be protected in Ohio's state constitution. I contributed as a photographer and video journalist simultaneously.


America After Roe Editor & Publisher EPPY Awards

  • Best college/university investigative story or series

  • Best college/university-produced community or niche website

  • Best news story or series on a college/university website


 College Media Association Film and Audio Festival 

  • Second place in the long documentary category


RESPONSIBILITIES: Photography, videography, video editing, reporting



Arizona Makers: Didgeridoo-makers use local agave in their staple product

          Multimedia Projects For: Arizona Highways Magazine

Brad and Wendy Evans discuss their online didgeridoo business, Endless Breath Didges, which uses local, sustainably-sourced agave.


This piece was part of a multimedia story for Arizona Highways (involving text, photos and video) on how makers use "making" as a form of occupational therapy to help with the likes of stress, depression, alcoholism, and TBI. Written story here


RESPONSIBILITIES: Photography, videography, video editing, reporting, feature writing
